Regard Brut (“raw look” in English) is the label I have chosen in order to practice photography fully and freely. This pseudonym reflects several aspects of my practice. “Look” because it’s the one I have at the world and certain phenomena, a personal point of view that I intend to share through my photographs and texts. The “look” is also, of course, the sense of sight, the pacific weapon of the witness. From this angle, the eye, the camera becomes a pretext for experiencing situations or meeting people. Then “raw”, because the subjects that challenge me are often rough, dealing as they do with suffering and injustice. Finally, although usually retouched, the photographs I propose are intended to be raw, that is, authentic and faithful to reality: no editing or extensive retouching to “distort” the images.
Thus, it’s a raw look, uncompromising and unadorned, that I want to share through my work, in the hope that it will incite indignation sometimes, and the demand for greater justice always.
My work has been published in several top-tier French newspapers. I’ve also had the opportunity to show my work in several stand alone exhibitions.
If you would like to order prints of my work (all pictures you see here or on my Instagram page are available) or simply get in touch with me, use the opposite contact form or hit me up on Instagram.
© 2023 Regard Brut. All rights reserved.
The photographs on this website are the exclusive property of Regard Brut and are protected by copyright. They may not be downloaded, reproduced, or used in any way without express written permission. Unauthorized use is prohibited and subject to legal action.